About the ova

What is the OVA? 

The OVA (Organized Voices for Action) is a community action team formed to carry out recommendations from the Philadelphia Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC). The OVA is a multidisciplinary group of stakeholders composed of women and birthing people, governmental agencies, health care system professionals, insurance providers, maternal support organizations, policy advocates, social determinants of health professionals, and support networks. The goal of The OVA is to implement and support innovative citywide interventions that specifically address the leading contributors to maternal mortality in Philadelphia, as identified by the Philadelphia MMRC. The OVA builds upon existing collaboratives focused on target areas, infuses funding into pilot projects with the potential to improve maternal health, and works across sectors to integrate community voices and solutions into policies and programs.

WHO is the OVA? 

The OVA is comprised of a multidisciplinary group of stakeholders including women and birthing people, governmental agencies, health care system professionals, insurance providers, maternal support organizations, policy advocates, social determinants of health professionals, and support network

Why do we need the OVA? 

In Philadelphia, Black mothers and birthing people are 4x more likely to die of pregnancy-related causes. Heart-related conditions and drug overdose contribute significantly to higher death rates. Social determinants of health such as systemic racism, lack of access to safe and adequate housing, transportation, and social support also contribute to higher rates of maternal mortality.